
A Leading Fashion Retailer

The big party that opened Funky Buddha in Glyfada, with live C: Real!

The opening of the new Funky Buddha store in Glyfada was a great success. Crowds of people, among them many surnames, ended up on Mixas Street, where they welcomed the marketing and communications manager of Funky Buddha, Vasiliy Gutsache, and started the event in the new impressive space.

Funky Buddha already operates a network of seventeen retail outlets in Greece and Cyprus, while the company’s dynamic growth plan envisions expanding its branch network to 30 by the end of the year. The company offers men’s and women’s clothing, cheerful, expressive, with elaborate qualities and details, but above all comfortable.

Elli Angelidaki, Nikos Kasimatis, Evangelia Arabani, Vasilis Gutmacher,Nicoletta Ralli,Eirini Papadopoulou, Stelios Konstantinidis,Tony Dimitriou, Ioannis Melissanidis,Ivan Svitailo, Eleni Vaitsu,Tony Dimitriou, Basil Gutmacher, Memo Begnis,Manolis Bletas, Giorgos Paraschos, Theo Theodoridis, Agni Mara,George Prassinos, Kalli Tsilidou,Yiannis Spaliaras, Manolis Bletas,Giannis Kazanidis, Theodoris Frantzeskos, Eleni Vaitsou, Renos Rotas,Theodoris Franceskos, Vassiliki Troufakou, Angelos Constantilieris,Kyriakos Pontikas, Antonis Vlontakis, Marios Kapotsi,Vassiliki Milousi, Lefteris Petrounias,Sofi Paschali, Eleni Petroulaki, Nina Lotsari

Attendees had the opportunity to watch a spectacular live C: Real drink of cool Deluxe refreshments, natural Theon mineral water and Desperados beer while L’Artigiano offered delicious pizzas. Finally, they were informed about the capabilities of the new Yamaha model Tricity and three lucky winners won an impressive MLS handset.